Bujinkan Czech Dojo

Bujinkan Czech Dojo (BCD) was founded by sensei Luboš Pokorný in 1991. In 2024 we will celebrate 33 years since its foundation, so we will celebrate the “Christ years”. BCD is unique in that to this day it brings together most of the Czech Shidoshi and Shihan and their students into one big unit where we develop friendship and cooperation.

Sensei Lubos Pokorny is known throughout the Bujinkan world for his honest approach. He has been invited to seminars in many countries in Europe and America. Thanks to him, we have managed to organize several interesting international seminars in the Czech Republic – just for starters: Shidoshi-kai Prague 2006 with European junior teachers from France to Russia, Kikanju 2010, Mark Lithgow 2016, Dai-shihan-kai in 2023, and others. Sensei Pokorny also had the opportunity to connect our first post-revolutionary President Václav Havel and Soke Hatsumi and present them with mutual gifts and greetings.

BCD teachers also came up with unique formats – Budo-kai, a joint seminar of several different martial arts, or RenTaiKai, a philosophical and informative meeting of Bujinkan Czech Dojo teachers and other interesting personalities from many different fields. We are developing cooperation with the Czech army and police, to whom we present the ideas of Bujinkan. For several years we have been conducting trainings for the blind community and organizing fundraisers for charitable causes. In addition to the official translation of Soke Hatsumi’s magazine Sanmyaku, we have published several of our own magazines and books.

The students of Bujinkan Czech Dojo first met Noguchi sensei at the 1993 TaiKai in Paris. In 1998, after the visa requirement was lifted, Czech students began to come to Japan in larger numbers every year, where, in addition to Soke Hatsumi, Noguchi sensei was one of our primary teachers. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to invite him to the Czech Republic in 2024. This completes the circle and 33 years is a good age.